rotary dryer operating principle

Rotary dryer operating principle:

  • Dry and wet material from the belt conveyor or bucket elevator to the hopper,
  • then by feeding machine of hopper through charging pipe into the feed side. Feeding pipeline’s slope than the natural material, in order to materials smoothly into dry containers.
  • Drier with the horizontal cylinder is a slightly into tilted rotating cylinder. Material from high end to join, heat body by low-end enter, with material into counter-current contact, also have heat body and materials together and flow into the barrel.
  • with the cylinder rotate by gravity materials to a run on the bottom of the end. Wet materials in the cylinder body forward movement process, directly or indirectly got heat body heat, make wet materials to dry, then the discharge end by the belt conveyor or screw conveyor sent. In the cylinder body wall with copy plate, It is the function of the material copied up and planted,make the material and the airflow contact surface increases to improve the drying rate and to promote material progress.
  • Heat-carrier is generally divided into hot air and flue gas. After the heat-carrier by the dryer, generally need the cyclone to trap the material of the gas down. through the bag filter or wet dust collector and then put emissions,if you want to reduce dust content of exhaust gas

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