something about compound fertilizer

Fertilizers are mixed with the perfect fertilizer mixer fertilizers (especially nitrogen fertilizers with superphosphate and potassium chloride). These are observed to prevent the loss of nutrient mixes. For example, the ammonium nitrate and ammonia can not be mixed with fertilizers thermophosphates, ash, or other alkaline fertilizers, because this causes a loss of nitrogen, and urea ammonium nitrate to be mixed for the high hygroscopicity of the mixture can not be obtained. Neutralizing supplements, such as limestone, dolomite, dust and cement are added to improve the physical properties of mixtures. Best mixed granulated fertilizers are mixed components are obtained. Nutrient is for use only in habit and requirements depend on mixed crop fertilizers. For example, the 1: 1: 1 ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (ie, N, P2O5 and K2O) is the basic fertilizer for corn, sugar beet and potatoes, and vegetables in soddy podzols, gray forest, and chernozems and 1: 1.5: system 1 applied at planting time, grains, vegetables and fruit industry.( )

We can adjust the percentage of N-P-K and trace element (Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn etc) in the Compound Fertilizer according to the customers’ requirements.
Compound Fertilizer is widely used for all kinds of foodstuff crops, such as paddy, wheat, corn, jowar and economic crops, such as tea, cotton, melon, fruit and vegetables.
we supply you good fertilizer equipment to produce nutrient compound fertilizers

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing knowledge on agriculture industry. I am working in a company that manufacturer of Anti dust Agent Suppliers for improvement of fertilizer.
